Just like Mummy...
Mia is learning to love her sleep just like her Mummy does. Last night she had 13 1/2 hours sleep...Paul even went to check on her twice!! Here's hoping this is a trend. Might not work for the next few days though as we are off to Pauanui this afternoon and although she is a good sleeper she is also very noisy, we share a room there so between her and Paul's snoring I am not sure how much sleep anyone will get (I am perfect of course!)
After having such a long sleep and another nap she woke up in the most cheerful mood and was laughing away at Paul. She's been playing all morning with Granddad's t-shirt again. I hope he doesn't want it back, it has been sucked on, stretched and eaten!
She's a little cutie girl. She looks so huggable. I am awed with her. I'm a grandma of a 1 year and 3 mos old boy.
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