Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Haven't written in for a while...i'll blame it on being December.
Had our soccer Christmas party on Friday night so Mia spent the night with Nana Jean and Grandad, she had a half an hour long conversation with Grandad in the morning...oh no she is learning to talk just like her mumma!
Paul and i recovered ALL day Saturday then spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out together. We all went to get a Christmas tree on Sunday, it was quite a laugh fitting it in the truck around the buggy....and Mia, she was wondering what was going on! So now the tree is up and is like a new toy for Mia to look at. She is probably just stoked because there is already more presents under the tree for her than anyone else!

Went to get her second round of shots at the doctors yesterday but after 50mins of waiting they realised we were about five days early so we have to go back on Tues....its so horrible she was smiling away at the nurses, you feel so awful taking her there. We went for a visit up to see Grandad, sitting on his arm is Mia's favourite place in the world.

Last night Mia hung out with Paul while i watched Desperate Housewives with Alannah, got a couple of cute photos of them talking to each other before i left. It is awesome watching her face light up when he gets home from work now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the picture with Mia and Paul and she is touching his face, looks like Mia has him around her little finger already.

Love Nana Jean

7:03 pm  

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