Off to the hospital...
Mia had her first and hopefully last trip to Starship at the end of last month (actually our first night in hospital was 10years since Paul and I started going romantic!). She had caught a viral infection and ended up unable to eat or drink as she had ulcers all through her mouth and throat. Poor little thing wanted to eat but would then cry and cry cos she knew it would hurt. They decided she was getting dehydrated and needed fluids so they had to put a tube thru her nose to her stomach, not a pleasant thing to get done...especially as she had to have it done twice after pulling the first one back out! She also had to get her hands bandaged up so she couldn't pull it out again, Nannie bandaged up baby doll Sophie's hands too so she wasn't alone.
It was awful to see her so lathargic and sad for a few days (we were there for four nights) but she soon perked up and entertained the hospital staff. She lost half a kilo in 4 days, something Mummy is yet to manage!
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