Mia and I went to Paul's work Children's Christmas party today. A great afternoon with magicians, a fairy and of course Santa. Mia wasn't interested in any of that as she was too busy socialising. She was due to have her dinner right in the middle of it so Paul went off to an office to feed her, after about half an hour i went to see how they were doing.....only 20mls but entertaining a room full of people, our little social butterfly!!
The kids all got great presents from Santa, Mia was given a beautiful teddy bear in a great box. There were even pressies for the mummies!
Managed to catch up with all her pals....Sally looked beautiful in her trendy red polka dot top. I liked the photo of her above, might not be in focus but who said she was camera shy?!?
Paris and Piper again in their party dresses, matching Barbie dolls!
Was great to meet Megan and Aaron's baby Tommy for the first time, three weeks older than Mia and 18pound! A beautiful boy who managed to sleep through the noisy party.
A bit tired after all the entertainment but of to another social engagement straight after, Poppa JC'S birthday. A little scratcy to begin with (when does a little baby have two parties in one day though) but soon perked up and sat at the dinner table with us in her buggy (i think she was eyeing up Poppa JC's dinner actually!). Had a cuddle with everyone then off home for a quick bath and straight to bed.....phew what a day! (mumma is hoping she sleeps till at least 6.30!