Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just like Mummy...

Mia is learning to love her sleep just like her Mummy does. Last night she had 13 1/2 hours sleep...Paul even went to check on her twice!! Here's hoping this is a trend. Might not work for the next few days though as we are off to Pauanui this afternoon and although she is a good sleeper she is also very noisy, we share a room there so between her and Paul's snoring I am not sure how much sleep anyone will get (I am perfect of course!)

After having such a long sleep and another nap she woke up in the most cheerful mood and was laughing away at Paul. She's been playing all morning with Granddad's t-shirt again. I hope he doesn't want it back, it has been sucked on, stretched and eaten!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

off to the airport....again

Mia and I have been to the airport three days in a row now. Uncle Craig left on Monday to go to Scotland for New Years. Trish and Christine left on Tues to continue on their travells and today Nana Jean and Poppa Jack left.....oh nooooooo!! I am not sure who will miss who the most but we sneaked one of Poppa Jacks t-shirts and Mia have been playing with it all evening. I have told her not to be too sad because going away always means they will come home....with presents!!

All my new toys...and Caz!

Spent boxing day playing with all Mia's new toys and admiring all her clothes and shoes, she really was so spoilt!
Caz is back from London for New Year's so she came to visit with Lanny and Mark. Must have been a lot to catch up on as I didn't go to bed till 5am! (Paul was on baby duty the next morning!). Caz spent the morning playing with Mia and taking a million photos of her. Pity she is going home, i liked having a Nanny for the day!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Santa's Here!!!

And boy he must have a big sleigh...i have never seen soooo many presents! Handed out all of the pressies, the first one for Craig...Amy came back for Christmas! (she was supposed to be working on a flight to Fiji, but managed to swap her flights so she could surprise him, sooo cool).
Had a big dinner and lots of drinks, even some dancing later on. Paul tried our new outdoor gas lamp and tried to gas us all but we have fireman Davie on to it, he put his glass over the flame, but not before downing his drink!
Mia was definately the most spoilt of the day, she was given so many awesome gifts, she will definately be a Santa girl when she is old enough. She spent the day in her Santa dress that Elizabeth bought for her, too cute. It all got a bit much for her later on though so off to bed she went, she must have been tired she slept the longest she ever has!

Not long till Santa comes!

Everyone's looking forward to Mia's first Christmas, it will be a busy one! 20 people coming for Christmas at our place from all over the place. Brent and Kathy have come up from Wellington, Edith from Australia, Jessie and Davie from Shetland Island and Trish and Christine from Scotland.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

More Jabs....More tears

started the day off well with Mia telling Paul some great big storys but soon moved downhill when we were off to the doctors for Mia's second set of shots...its just horrible!
Went straight up to visit Granddad for a cuddle, he has found a new toy that Mia just loves. It is a bear that sings 'singing in the rain', she goes completely bug eyed!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I found my thumb!!

Couldn't resist taking these photos of Mia trying to suck her thumb. It works a treat! But she does get a little upset if it comes out and she can't find it again!!

Last sleepover & More parties

Mia had her last sleepover for this year at Nana Jean's and Graddad's on Friday night. They tried to get a photo of her doing her Superwomen stretch, it's not quite the full effect but it is really cute when she does it.

The next night we had dinner at Mezze Bar for Amy's birthday. We got to meet all of Amy's family and it was a great night. Mia was tucked up in her buggy and managed to sleep all the way through (lucky for mum and dad!)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Party Season

Busy schedule this month, we had the antenatal Christmas lunch today. We all met at Vanessa's place for lunch (although all the babies seemed to demand lunch first!) great to catch up with them all and see how much they have all changed. Max (Mia's boyfriend, just incase the other girls had any ideas!) was all smiley today and managed to sleep at all the right times. Molly was so much bigger since i last saw her and was giggling at her bug hanging over her bugaboo. And Olivia has changed from newborn to baby now with all her own little features coming out. So cool to see them all together for a photo (Mia is normally sleeping, only cos mummy is rocking the buggy constantly!). A good laugh trying to get them all looking in the same direction and all happy at the same time!
Mia got lovely Christmas pressies from her friends, she hopes they all have a great Christmas and New Years and is looking forward to seeing them all again after the holidays.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Saatchi Santa Party

Mia and I went to Paul's work Children's Christmas party today. A great afternoon with magicians, a fairy and of course Santa. Mia wasn't interested in any of that as she was too busy socialising. She was due to have her dinner right in the middle of it so Paul went off to an office to feed her, after about half an hour i went to see how they were doing.....only 20mls but entertaining a room full of people, our little social butterfly!!
The kids all got great presents from Santa, Mia was given a beautiful teddy bear in a great box. There were even pressies for the mummies!
Managed to catch up with all her pals....Sally looked beautiful in her trendy red polka dot top. I liked the photo of her above, might not be in focus but who said she was camera shy?!?
Paris and Piper again in their party dresses, matching Barbie dolls!
Was great to meet Megan and Aaron's baby Tommy for the first time, three weeks older than Mia and 18pound! A beautiful boy who managed to sleep through the noisy party.

A bit tired after all the entertainment but of to another social engagement straight after, Poppa JC'S birthday. A little scratcy to begin with (when does a little baby have two parties in one day though) but soon perked up and sat at the dinner table with us in her buggy (i think she was eyeing up Poppa JC's dinner actually!). Had a cuddle with everyone then off home for a quick bath and straight to bed.....phew what a day! (mumma is hoping she sleeps till at least 6.30!